EU Code Week

coded school

From Friday, October 16, 2015 3:00 PM
to Friday, October 16, 2015 7:00 PM

Istituto Comprensivo 12 Bologna (Coder Dojo Cento, IASF Bologna)


Via Populonia, 9, 40139 Bologna, Italia

In a dedicated event we propose to open the school and let the kids from the community participate to a number of activities aimed to promoting coding. Teachers, collaborators and students from the last years will be mentors for the younger ones, showing how goals can be achieved through collaboration. The workshop will be organized in open areas in which everyone can play and experiment some technologies and games: scribbling machines, makey-makey cards will be available, sphero and beebot robots, a number of computers running linux from which to try the blockly coding platform. It will start at 3 p.m., open for classes and teachers, and continue after school ends open for kids and families.

    Primary school Secondary school
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Hardware

Longitude: 11.38532
Latitude: 44.48805
Geoposition: 44.48805,11.385319999999979

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